Sunday 2 August 2015

The Last Alliance of Elves & Men (Planning)

The Elves of the Last Alliance

I'm not quite sure where the last two months went... a combination of a bad back and a rapidly-growing garden conspired to keep me from my models but today I managed to find some hobby time.

The Goblins are almost finished (one cave troll left to subdue) so I'm looking ahead to my second army - the allied forces of the elves of Rivendell & Eregion and the men of Numenor.

This army is going to be a force built around the heroes of the Last Alliance - all of said heroes are rather expensive points-wise so I don't think this will be a particularly playable army... but it will look nice and satisfy my desire for thematically appropriate forces!

The Men of the Last Alliance

The full army list is as follows:

Warband 1    11/12
Elrond with Heavy armour;
11 High Elf Warrior with Elf Bow;
Warband 2    11/12
4 High Elf Warrior with Elven Blade;
6 High Elf Warrior with Shield; Spear;
1 High Elf Warrior with Elven Blade; Banner;
Warband 3    11/12
Glorfindel, Lord of the West with Armour of Gondolin;
4 High Elf Warrior with Elven Blade;
6 High Elf Warrior with Shield; Spear;
1 High Elf Warrior with Elven Blade; Banner;
Warband 4    11/12
Elendil, High King of Gondor and Arnor
4 Warrior of Númenor with Shield;
6 Warrior of Númenor with Spear; Shield;
1 Warrior of Númenor with Banner;
Warband 5    11/12
4 Warrior of Númenor with Shield;
6 Warrior of Númenor with Spear; Shield;
1 Warrior of Númenor with Banner;
Warband 6    11/12
Captain of Númenor with Shield;
11 Warrior of Númenor with Shield;

A total of 72 units, of which 11 have bows, for 1497 points.

And because my inner-accountant wants to keep track of the cost of all of this:

My initial forces consisted of:
  • Glorfindel
  • Elrond
  • Gil-Galad
  • Elendil
  • Isildur
  • High Elf Warrior w/ elven blade x 8
  • High Elf Warrior w/ bow x 8
  • Men of Numenor w/ sword & shield x 8
I believe that all of these originally came from the Battle Games in Middle Earth magazines at a cost of £3.99/hero and £3.99/sprue of warriors giving them a total cost of £3.99 x 7 = £27.93

And I supplemented these with a few additional purchases:
  • 2 x boxes of Warriors of the Last Alliance £19.20 via Ebay (£30 retail)
  • 6 x Men of Numenor £2.98 via Ebay
  • High Elf Command £8.20 (GW)
  • 12 x High Elf Warrior w/ Spear £48.00 (GW)
  • 9 x Men of Numenor w/ Spear £24.60 (GW)
  • 5 x Men of Numenor w/ Spear £6.21 via Ebay (£13.66 retail)
For a total of £137.12 - I attempted to source more of the spearmen through Ebay, but unusually it was generally cheaper to buy them directly from Games Workshop. It's actually kind of nice because I've been feeling a little guilty that I've been merrily trotting into my local shop for advice and paint and then sloping off to the internet to buy my models! It also means I'll get a chance to try out the new Finecast range, and I will reserve judgement on those until I actually get my hands on some.

There will be a few spare elves and men so I may experiment with a few conversions or try to paint up some test models before I get going on the main army.