Wednesday 30 September 2020



These hedges are made from rubberised horsehair (acquired from eBay). I cut slices about 1" thick, then based them on some foamboard.

I followed the instructions from Mel the Terrain Tutor's Modelling Hedge Substructures & Foliage video.

Tuesday 22 September 2020

Farmer Maggot, Wolf, Fang & Grip


The teasers for the Quest of the Ringbearer inspired me to dig out some of my older minis and finally give them a lick of paint - Farmer Maggot is all ready to defend his crops from naughty hobbits this weekend!


  • Based in Eshin Grey
  • Washed with Nuln Oil
  • Recess shaded with Abaddon Black
  • Markings added with XV-88
  • Markings highlighted with XV-88 + Tallaran Sand
  • Teeth painted Screaming Skull
  • Collar painted Bloodreaver flesh with Stormhost Silver studs
  • Based in XV-88
  • Washed with Agrax Earthshade
  • Coat highlighted with XV-88 + Tallaran Sand
  • Markings added with Abaddon Black
  • Teeth painted Screaming Skull
  • Tongue painted with Memphiston Red + Dryad Bark
  • Collar painted Bloodreaver flesh with Stormhost Silver studs

    Farmer Maggot

    • Tunic based with Ushbati Bone, washed with Agrax Earthshade & highlighted with Ushbati Bone
    • Underclothes based with Skavenblight Dinge, washed with Nuln Oil & highlighted with Stormvermin Fur
    • Flesh based with Cadian Fleshton, washed with Reikland Fleshtone & highlighted with mix of Cadian & Kieslev Flesh
    • Scythe based with Dryad Bark, washed with Agrax & hightlighted with Gorthor Brown
    • Scythe head based with Ironbreaker, washed with Nuln Oil & highlighted with Stormhost Silver
    • Based with Stirland Mud