Saturday 10 January 2015

Moria Goblin Spearmen (1 of 3)

Over the past week I've painted up two sets of goblins. For ease of painting I have decided to do them in batches of 8 - I've tried various sized sets in the past but 8 has proven to be the right balance of 'making enough progress' and 'not getting bored' for me.

The first set I painted up was a batch of spearmen, I picked these guys to start with as the sculpts are very similar so they're very easy to paint en-masse.

I decided to keep to the traditional GW colour scheme for these guys but opted for a slightly brighter green than I usually see to keep them close to the goblins of the films.

Colours: Elysian Green, Memphiston Red, Abaddon Black, Skavenblight Dinge, Dryad Bark, Leadbelcher
Following a base coat with the appropriate colours this gave some very basic looking goblins:

Which I washed with Agrax Earthshade to magically add some depth:

And then highlighted with appropriate lighter shades of each colour:

Ogryn Camo, Administratum Grey, Screaming Skull (teeth), Gorthor Brown, Ironbreaker, Stormvermin Fur (straps) Skavenblight Dinge (hair), Wazdakka Red, Yriel Yellow (eyes) and Dawnstone (base)

The bases are painted with Skavenblight Dinge then washed with Nuln Oil and highlighted with Dawnstone to represent the mines of Moria. 

Looking at the finished models I'm fairly happy with these guys considering they're the first I've painted for about 10 years; that being said there's definitely room for improvement so it will be interesting to see how I (hopefully!) improve

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