Sunday 12 April 2015

Goblin Heroes

This weekend I finished the highlights and detailing on the goblin heroes - I made a couple of changes to the Shamen as I went along and I'm pretty pleased with the final results. My conversions are a little clumsy in places but I think that overall they work.

The Goblin King


This fellow is the unmodified GW model - he is slightly larger than the other goblins and makes an imposing leader for my forces

Goblin Captain with Bow

This goblin captain has a slight case of sausage fingers but the overall effect is still pleasing - I thought I had made a tiny little hand but it seems it needed to be even smaller.

Goblin Captain with Sword

Seen from the right angle, this captain is fearlessly leading his troops into battle, but from the wrong angle he's about to fall over backwards! Still, the conversion worked out pretty well so I'm happy enough.

Goblin Shaman #1

This chap was the only shaman who I didn't modify beyond my original plans - having checked the rules he should be armed with a spear by default but I think I could probably convince another player to accept that he can poke his enemies with his staff in a sufficiently spear-like manner.

Goblin Shaman #2


This little fellow gained a hood and had his quiver modified a bit further since my original sculpting session - my attempt to carve down his helmet into a head covering was entirely unconvincing when painted so instead he is now fully shrouded. His quiver was given a bit more length and a bulbous base to turn it into a more convincing flask/shoulder sack and basically make him look less like an archer who'd lost his arrows!

Goblin Shaman #3

Finally, this shaman picked up some tassels on his spear and a well-worn cloak to complete his attire. I'm actually really pleased with how this turned out as I was considering scrapping him altogether at one point and now he's probably my favourite of the three.

The Goblin Horde

With the heroes completed the Goblin horde is now ready to march to war - all that remains is for them to acquire a cave troll and I will have a full army painted.

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