Monday 4 May 2015

A Great Eagle

We spent a lovely week in the Lake District last week so I haven't done much painting recently - I did however finish off the Eagle I started before we left.

I'm rather pleased with how this fellow turned out - as previously mentioned I followed a tutorial from Tale of Painters and whilst it seemed to take forever to paint the feathers the results were well worth it. I did however give up on the black-tipped beak after two failed attempts to blend the black into the yellow. I settled for painting the whole beak yellow and washing it with Agrax Earthshade which seemed to work okay. I also washed the talons with Agrax as I felt mine needed a bit more shading.

The base is built around a fallen pillar from one of the Games Workshop LOTR terrain sprues. I cut it in half to fit it on the base and then added some pieces of slate around it and a showering of sand and small rocks painted as follows:

  • Soil: based with Dryad Bark, washed with Agrax Earthshade, dry brushed with Gorthor Brown then Steel Legion Drab.
  • Rocks; based with Skavenblight Dinge, washed mainly with Nuln Oil and a few touches of Athosian Camoshade, dry brushed heavily with Stormvermin Fur  and lightly with Longbeard Grey
  • Pillar: based with Dawnstone, washed mainly with  Athosian Camoshade and a few touches of Nuln Oil, dry brushed lightly with Administratum Grey
The base is finished with a few touches of flock around the rocks arranged to look like creeping moss/plants and a few patches of static grass.

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