Thursday 10 March 2016

February Update

A little late with this one but February was a very quiet month on the hobby front, mainly because I spent most of it preparing for, being in and unpacking from a trip to Singapore!

I did manage a last-minute entry into my local GW's painting competition. The conditions were that it had to be a hero and had to be painted this month. I picked Boromir, Captain of the White Tower and had a go at some freehand on his banner, I'd wanted to paint this for a while but been intimidated by the freehand so the contest was a good push to actually get it done.

I was a little short on time at the end so I kept the flag relatively simple (although I couldn't resist all the colourful bits by the spear). This was about 6 hours work all told (2 on the banner, 4 on the model) and I'm pretty pleased with the results given that I've done relatively little freehand to date.

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