Thursday 30 April 2020

The Serpent Horde


I've been dreaming of this army for a long time, so it's been great to finally get the painting underway - my desert Haradrim.

Painting Notes:

White Cloth:

  • Base with Screaming Skull x 2 coats
  • Wash with Seraphim Sepia
  • Highlight with Screaming Skull
  • Base with Balthasar Gold
  • Wash with Agrax
  • Highlight with Retributor Armour
  • Base with Baneblade
  • Wash with Agrax
Red Cloth:
  • Base with Memphiston Red
  • Wash with Druchi Violet
  • Highlight with Memphiston Red
  • Base with Catachan Flesh
  • Wash with Agrax
  • Base with XV-88
  • Wash with Agrax
  • Base with Abaddon Black
  • Highlight with Eshin Grey

  • Cover in Agrellan Earth and let dry
  • Add patches of Armageddon dust / dunes
  • Paint with thinned Tallarn Sand
  • Wash with 50/50 Agrax + Seraphim Sepia, diluted with a little water
  • Pick from:
    • Scrub Grass 6mm
    • Dry Grass 6mm
    • Gamersgrass 12mm Tufts - Spikey Beige
    • Gamersgrass 2mm - Beige
    • Serious Play Brown Lichen

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