Thursday 31 March 2022

Frodo Baggins

My dad has asked me to paint him a Fellowship of the Ring, so where better to start than with the Ring Bearer himself. This is the first Frodo I've painted that I've actually been pleased with, so I thought it was worth noting down the colours I used for reference:


  • Base: Cadian Fleshtone
  • Wash: Guilliam Flesh
  • Highlight: Cadian Fleshtone
  • Lips: Bugman's Glow
  • Eyes: White Scar & Abaddon Black
  • Base: 50/50 Dryad Bark & Rhinox Hide
  • Highlight: 33/33/33 Dryad Bark, Rhinox Hide & Baneblade Brown
  • Edges: Above + Cadian Fleshtone
  • Base: Rhinox Hide
  • Highlight: Rhinix Hide + increasing amounts of Baneblade Brown
  • Buttons: Zamesi Desert
  • Base: Rhinox Hide
  • Highlight: Skrag Brown
  • Base: Skavenblight Dinge
  • Wash: Nuln Oil
Backpack & Straps:
  • Base: Dryad Bark
  • Highlight: Dryad Bark + Baneblade Brown
  • Base: 75% Caliban Green + 25% Rhinox Hide
  • Highlights: Above + increasing amounts of Zamesi Desert
  • Base: Ironbreaker
  • Highlight: Runefang Steel

Most of the above ideas were taken from the following videos, modified slightly for the colours I had available (particularly my lack of Gorthor Brown!):

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