Sunday 8 February 2015

A quiet week

Not much to show this week - I was struck down by a rather vicious cold on Wednesday which knocked out my painting time almost entirely. I got a little bit of painting done at the start of the week but I'm only 3 colours into the basecoat on my current batch of Moria Archers. Fine motor control has apparently gone out the window at the moment so I guess I'll get back to these guys later next week.

I did manage one other bit of hobby-related activity this week by way of a trip to my local Games Workshop; my birthday is coming up next month and my parents have kindly (resignedly?) agreed to buy me some models. I thus have a nice selection of elves and men headed my way. They'll be forming part of the Last Alliance and Helms Deep armies I'm planning to work on.

Somehow a couple of boxes of Haradrim Raiders also snuck into my order (from my own funds) because I've been wanting to get some for ages and they're in stock again (and clearly they must therefore be bought immediately... even if I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do for Harad yet....)

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