Sunday 1 February 2015

Gundabad Blackshields (1 of 1)

This week I painted up my Gundabad Blackshield conversions and I'm quite pleased with how they've come out. They are a little bit monochrome compared to the rest of the army, because you mainly see their white cloaks and metal shields, but I think they look suitably imposing.

They were however not very easy to paint - in the future when I sculpt cloaks I will pay more attention to how they connect to the models. Now that I think about it, when GW do cloaked models they always fill them in so that there are no undercuts... I did not do this and it made it a bit of a pain to paint the areas under the cloak.

The fur cloaks were base coated with Gorthor Brown then repeatedly drybrushed with Longbeard Grey and finally given a light dry brushing with White Scar. I think it gives a fairly good 'dirty white' fur effect.

The shields are by no means perfect, but I quite like their rugged looks. The backs are the least good as they are entirely flat - fortunately this isn't particularly obvious as the figures cover most of this surface!

The eyes also proved tricky because as far as I can tell any detail that may have been sculpted inside the helmet was lost in the moulding process (except for a nice big mould line down the middle of the face!). I treated the mould line as the nose and painted in the eyes as best I could, but they're a bit more cartoony that I'd like and for some reason they all came out lopsided. Getting them this good took me several attempts so I decided to settle for what I could do - the imperfections are very obvious in this photo, but from a more normal distance they look fine.

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