Saturday 6 October 2018

2018 - September Update

After years of hobby stagnation I'm finally digging out my paints again and getting back into Middle Earth in a big way. I decided to take the plunge and pick up the new Pelennor Fields box-set.

Holidays prevented me from doing much painting this month, but I have built all of the Army of the Dead and the Morannon Orcs and we even managed to squeeze in our first ever game across the dining table (wherein my Riders of Rohan were soundly prevented from carrying warning to Minas Tirith by some surprisingly resilient Morannon Orcs).

I did half-paint 12 warriors of Minas Tirith + Cirion, but I didn't' finish them so I don't think they count!

I also took inventory of my model stash and determined that I have approximately 1,300 models / 30,000 points worth of Armies in my collection. I'm giving myself a pass this month, but in the future my aim is to paint more models than I buy - gotta start chipping away at that backlog!

Bought: 84 models
Painted: None.

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