I painted up the 36 Morannon Orcs from the Pelennor Boxset with the aim of working on my accuracy and speed painting skills - originally I was aiming to spend about 5 minutes per model but I missed that target and spent about 12 minutes each for a total of just over 7 hours. That's still considerably faster than anything else I've painted to date so I'm pretty pleased with my experiment. I could have saved about an hour by priming with Silver Spray but didn't have any.
I went with a fairly simple scheme and painted the entire army was one large batch, applying each colour to every model in turn. I've always painted in small batches before (maybe 6-8 models) so doing 36 in one go was rather different, but I actually really liked it as I could see the progress being made and everything got finished at the same time.
Broadly, the timings per model worked out at as follows:
- 2 mins to base silver, wash & drybrush
- 2 mins to base red & wash
- 2 mins to base grey, wash & highlight
- 2 mins to base faces, wash & highlight
- 1 min to paint, wash & highlight hair & fur
- 2 mins to paint & highlight straps (fiddly!)
- 1 min to paint & highlight wood areas
The Paint Scheme for future reference was as follows:
- Prime with Abaddon Black Spray
- Basecoat with Ironbreaker
- Wash with Reikland Fleshshade
Red Cloth
- Basecoat with Memphiston Red (2 coats needed)
- Wash with Druchi Violet
Grey Cloth
- Basecoat with Skavenblight Dinge
- Wash with Nuln Oil
- Highlight with Stormvermin Fur
Skin - Variant 1
- Basecoat with Baneblade Brown
- Wash with Agrax Earthshade
- Highlight with Baneblade Brown
Skin - Variant 2
- Basecoat with Doombull Brown
- Wash with Agrax Earthshade
- Highlight with Skrag Brown
Skin - Variant 3
- Basecoat with Catellan Green
- Wash with Agrax Earthshade
- Hightlight with Elysian Green
- Basecoat with Eshin Grey
- Wash with Nuln Oil
- Highlight with Dawnstone
- Basecoat with Mournfang Brown
- Wash with Agrax Earthshade
- Basecoat with Dryad Bark
- Highlight with Steel Legion Drab
- Basecoat with Dryad Bark
- Highlight with Gorthor Brown
- Apply coat of Stirland Mud
- Drybrush Tyrant Skull
- Add Tufts (Warpainter Scrub Grass small / standard tufts)
- Paint Base Rims Steel Legion Drab
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