Tuesday 17 March 2015

Moria Goblin Spearmen (3 of 3)

We had a busy weekend and I only managed to get these fellows to their initial washed stage by the end of Sunday, however I had a bonus day off today and I managed to finish their highlights this afternoon.

That's all the rank & file troops painted now, with only their leaders and the cave troll left to go - they look quite nice all ranked up on the table together.

The bases are for display purposes, and not for gaming, and I will be painting these up and theming them to match the army. They are a non-standard 6x2 so that each SBG warband can be displayed on it's own base - I elected to cap my warbands at 11 troops, rather than 12, so that every swordsman can have spear support (and so that they look pretty in my display cabinet!)

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