Thursday 31 December 2015

2015 - The year in review.

It seems appropriate at this time of year to review what I've done for the last 12 months, particularly as I am finally finding some hobby time again after a few months of downtime.

I picked up my paint brush again in January for the first time in about 10 years and am pleased to be able to conclude that I still very much enjoy painting miniatures. So, my achievements for this year painting wise are as follows:
  • 72 Moria goblins, including the Goblin King of Moria, 2 captains, 3 shamans, 22 archers, 24 spearmen, 15 prowlers and 5 gundabad blackshields.
  • 1 Balrog
  • 1 Giant Eagle
  • 1 High Elf (paint scheme test)
  • Merry, Pippin & Sam (and half of Frodo!)
  • Gandalf & Gimli (these were mostly done, just tidied up the faces and fixed a few chips)
For a total of 80 miniatures.

I also entered the Armies on Parade competition at my local store (Winchester) and placed 4th which made me pretty happy. I was a bit nervous about showing my collection to the wider world but I am so glad that I pushed myself to enter because it was a great event. I'm hugely grateful to Adam at the Winchester GW who made me feel welcome from the first day I set foot in his shop and always has time for a chat and a bit of advice whenever I pop in.

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