Friday 1 January 2016

2016 - the year ahead

Whilst recapping 2015 I realised that I was also very good at purchasing lots of models to increase my painting backlog (oops!)

So, my plans for next year include the following:

1) The Fellowship of the Ring
  • Finishing the fellowship on foot

  • Acquiring & painting the fellowship on horseback - I have most of these models, just need to convert a mounted Gandalf the Grey 
Mounted Aragorn, Legolas, Legolas & Gimli, Boromir
Frodo, Sam, Merry & Pippin

2) Reinforcements for Moria:
  • 2 Goblin drummers + drum
  • 2 Cave trolls
  • 10 Warg Marauders (to be converted)
  • 16 Wild Wargs
3) The Last Alliance Army - actually painting this, rather than just looking at it in fear:
  • Elrond, Gil-galad & Glorfindel
  • Elendil & Isildur (alive & dying!)
  • 12 High elf w/ spear
  • 2 High Elf w/ banner
  • 10 High Elf w/ elven blade
  • 12 High Elf w/ bow
  • 12 Warriors of Numenor w/ spear
  • 19 Warriors of Numenor w/ shield
  • 2 Warriors of Numenor w/ banner
4) The Uruk-Hai Horde - for when I need something easier than the above:
  • Many, many Uruk-hai.....
Clockwise: Uruk-hai, more Uruk-hai, Last Alliance, Misc WIP
5) All of the models for the Fellowship of the Ring Journey Book.... we'll see about this one, it kind of ties in with some of the stuff above and I really want to start playing some games next year so I will have to see if I can get this rolling.

Overall, I will be happy if I can keep a bit more consistency with my hobby time next year, I find it a great way to relax in the evenings, provided I can actually get around to sitting down and painting!

Grand Target for 2016: Paint 100 models. 

Looking at what I've achieved this year I think this should be feasible and it will give me something measurable to aim for!

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