Monday 31 December 2018

2018 - December Update

A quieter month this month - work was manic, plus I managed to be ill for about 3 weeks with a combination of stomach bug and cold (which sucked, but was kind enough to clear for a couple of days over Christmas before coming back with a vengeance!)

I started the month fairly well and managed to build and prime most of the rest of the models for my Morannon force, including a few little conversions. The only unbuilt model is the Catapult & Crew.

Not a lot of painting done this month, but I did manage to finish 6 off my wild wargs today to avoid a complete wash-out. I've also painted the rest of the wargs and 'just' need to do their riders and tack.

6 Metal Warg Riders, to be played as Mounted Orc Trackers

1 converted Morannon Orc Captain (the old Gothmog Model with a head swap from a Siege Uruk-Hai that's been 'sculpted' a bit with a scalpel)

Gothmog Mounted

Banner Bearer & Drummer

6 Orc Trackers

Guritz & Gothmog's Enforcer (1 spare, but seemed a shame to leave him in the box!)

1 Mordor Troll, with interchangeable hands. Painted with primer as it got too cold to spray paint.

Painted - 6 Wild Wargs (dismounts)

Bought - None

Gifted - Shelob, Sam & Frodo

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