Saturday 1 December 2018

2018 - November Update

It's been a good month this month - having completed the Army of the Dead last month I decided to keep working through the Pelennor Field boxset and paint up the Morannon Orcs so that there were some Evil models to match against them.

I stuck with a very by-the-book theme for the Morannons but it worked nicely and let me paint them up quite quickly too.

Buoyed by my success I decided to develop it into a full 1000pt army of Mordor - with a bit of help from the GBHL I've decided on the following:

Gothmog on Warg
14 Morannon orcs (7 shield, 7 shield/spear)
1 Morannon orc w/ Banner

Guritz on Foot
12 Morannon orcs (6 shield, 6 spear/shield)

Morannon Orc Captain on Warg
10 Morannon orcs (5 shield, 5 spear/shield)
1 Mordor Troll
Orc Drummer

1 Mordor Orc Catapult with Troll

Orc Captain on Warg
6 orc trackers on Warg

So I did some shopping and picked up the remaining models I needed for my force (Gothmog, Guritz, 6 Orc trackers and the Orc Catapault. I've also built and primed all the remaining models for the force from my collection.

I also painted up 6 Riders of the Dead to reinforce the Army of the Dead from last month.

Painted - 42 Models: 36 Morannon Orcs & 6 Riders of the Dead

Bought - 22 Models:  Gothmog Ft & Mtd, Erestor, 6 Riders of the Dead, Mordor Orc Catapault (5 models), 6 Orc Trackers, Guritz & Gothmog's Enforcer

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